Thousands of York Landscape Rakes are in use by landscape and
seeding contractors, nurseries, park maintenance departments,
forestry departments, golf courses, cemeteries, race tracks,
beaches, resorts highway departments and recreation centers to
name a few.
Construction contractors use York Landscape Rakes on super
highway projects, airports, schools and institutions, churches,
industrial sites and housing developments.
Paving contractors use them for development and preparation of
parking areas, drives, etc.
Homeowners use them for driveway and private road maintenance.
ATV riders use them for trail maintenance and construction.
As a matter of fact, uses for the York Landscape Rake appear to
be limited only by the imagination and resourcefulness of their
owners. Many are now employed in applications never dreamed of
by York when the first York Landscape Rake was developed in
What will a York Rake do?
• Remove stones, roots, debris, and leaves.
• Spread topsoil quickly, evenly.
• Spread base material.
• Grade, level, pulverize and mulch.
• Ditch and Terrace.
• Backfill.
These are only a few of the many things a York Rake can be used
The uses for a York Rake are enhanced and broadened when the
optional attachments are combined into a unit. The unit becomes
the “Swiss Army Knife” of site preparation tools.
Optional attachments include:
• Caster Wheels to regulate the working depth and
“float” the rake. |
• Scarifier to loosen material before grading and
raking. The scarifier folds up out of the way when
not in use. |
Flip-Up Blade speeds leveling, ditching and
• End Boots convert the blade into an effective
earthmover. |
The York Landscape Rake Unit is practically the only tool needed
on most soil preparation jobs. The York Scarifier and Blade team
up to prepare an area for raking.
scarifier rips up hard ground, ridges and packed soil. (User
tip: To get maximum penetration from the scarifier shorten
the top link on the three-point hitch, this will raise the rake
off the ground and allow the scarifier to dig to its deepest
depth.) The Blade cuts down high spots and fills depressions.
The York Landscape Rake follows to distribute loose material,
grade, level and remove oversize stone and debris. Angle
adjustments permit discharging material to either side. (User
tip: When angled and using caster wheels best results will
be achieved if the wheel closest to the tractor is higher off
the ground than the one farthest from the tractor. This allows
the end of the rake closest to the tractor to rake heavier than
the end farthest from the tractor, creating a better screening
action as the material moves across the front of the rake.) The
vibrating action of the Rake Teeth breaks up sod and mulches the
soil. (User tip: The faster you can go the better the vibrating
action will be.) Pulverized soil passes between the teeth, while
large stones and debris are gathered into a row. This screening
action produces an ideal finished surface, ready for seeding or
The York Flip-Up Blade is also a low-cost means of converting
the Rake to a ditching and terracing tool. End Boots increase
the Blade capacity and efficiency as an earthmover.
Years of development and improvement have gone into toady’s York
Rake. It is serious tool for serious jobs.